Let's Meet and Network On Long Island - LMNOLI

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We make it easy and fun to meet other networking groups and business owners on Long Island
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We simply exist to help business owners help other business owners.

We are free. Period.

Always separate checks :)

At the network meet and eat events, picture this: You’re surrounded by other business owners, all eager to connect. The air buzzes with entrepreneurial energy as handshakes turn into partnerships, and business cards fly like confetti. Amidst the great food and clinking glasses, you find yourself swapping success stories and brainstorming ideas. Who knew that
networking could be so much fun.

Bring PLENTY of business cards to hand out. Most events have about 30-50 attendees. You don't want to run out.

And don't forget about the door prize!

Our Motto: "Do a good deed by simply helping another business owner SUCCEED!"
